スケールハンドブック フィギュアテクニカルガイド Vol.1 (書籍)、2022年5月発売(予約開始)
1/12 1/24商品説明
We’re very excited about this new series of books, which will cover the many techniques need to make better models! We’ll cover a lot of the popular subjects in this great hobby of scale modelling, and this first volume by Christos Katselos shows how to paint female miniature figures and busts, revealing all his secrets on how he paints female miniature figures. There are 11 chapters in this book where you’ll find all the necessary information for the preparation, assembly and painting of female figures, using the latest techniques and tools. The book offers nine themes; five in great detail with a lot of step-by-step pictures over eight pages, plus the introduction, preparation and assembly, aimed specifically at newcomers.
All of the painting was done using acrylic paints from the well-known Spanish company, Vallejo Acrylics. Christos used about 65 different colours - 54 “Model Color”, seven “Panzer Aces”, one “Model Air”, three “Game Color” and one “Metal Color” to add a variety of colours for painting and to lessen any repetition.
The first 52 pages are devoted to a lot of step-by-step projects with around 195 illustrations enabling the reader to easily understand and follow the sequences. The remainder of the book has another four articles with more photos of finished models with the necessary descriptive texts.
A big thank you must go to Christos Katselos, a great artist, for giving us the opportunity to publish his work and share his secrets. Special thanks are also due, in no particular order, to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Darren Parker-Mead, Man Jin Kim, Alexey Lucanev, Fernando Vallejo, Taesung Harmms, Andrew Cairns, Young B. Song, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Ju Won Jung, Paul Ondeck, Sang-Eon Lee, Yannis Papadopoulos and last, but not least, our English Text Editor Ken Jones.
We hope you enjoy our latest edition!
Stelios Demiras
Editor /Publisher
4 Chapter I - Introduction
7 Chapter II - Preparing and Assembling a Resin Miniature
Bad Blood 2 Fictional Universe 75mm - 75mm (1/24)
12 Chapter III - Painting
Bad Blood 2 Fictional Universe 75mm (1/24)
20 Chapter IV - Stand Alone - Fictional Universe - Painting a Female Fantasy Figure Using Vallejo Acrylics - 150mm (1/12)
32 Chapter V - Voodoo Lady
How to Paint a Dark Female Skin Tone,
Some Difficult Cloth Patterns and Accessories with Vallejo Acrylics - 130mm (1/14)
42 Chapter VI - Surrounded!
Painting a “Fictional Universe” Bust... Female and Puppy in a Full Action Pose - 180mm (1/10)
52 Chapter VII - Painting Eyes
Painting the Eyes of Life Miniatures’
Princess Grace of Monaco Bust in 10 Easy Steps Using a Limited Colour Palette - 180mm (1/10)
54 Chapter VIII - “Arrow Girl” Zeppelin Defence Commander Yumiko
Painting an Asian Female Fantasy Figure - 120mm (1/16)
58 Chapter IX - “Die Fledermaus” Lt Kati Otersdorf
Painting a Fantasy Female Aviator with Acrylics - 120mm (1/16)
62 Chapter X - “Subway Wind” - A Wonderful World Series Figure
Painting a Well-Known Female Personality Using Acrylics - 54mm (1/32)
64 Chapter XI - ‘Bye Bye Baby’ - Marilyn Monroe’s USO tour of Korea in 1954
Panting a Large-Scale Female Bust with Fair Complexion - 180mm (1/10)
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